Traditional Style fitted kitchen is available in rustic wooden tones and vintage pastel colours. The kitchen exudes comfort and warmth and is having a character of its own. From wide designs to compact ones, a fitted kitchen in traditional style is good for all sizes of kitchen. Traditional style fitted kitchen will be showing an airy and relaxed space.

Have a look at our selection of fitted kitchen in traditional style.

Get to know more about Traditional Style Kitchen Design from Innovative Designs.


  1. As the name suggests traditional style is the classic styles used in creating a kitchen. The main colour theme used in these kitchens has mostly a warm touch to it. Instead of the white and black, shades of cream, grey etc are used. Even a few shades of wood are also used.
  2. Another feature of this design is adding a bit heavier ornamental fittings and lightings rather than the border lights and show lightings used nowadays.
  3. In a traditional style, kitchen windows play a good role to complete the look. English style window panes and adding more windows to sides of the kitchen is much appreciated by clients.
  4. The usage of older knobs and fittings is what this type of kitchen will have for sure.
  5. Open cabins are used in the kitchen which is placed mostly on the top centre part of the kitchen area.
  6. The table and countertops are made with normal granite and laminate.

Traditional Style Kitchen Design

  1. Play with classic pastel colours than bold and vibrant colours
  2. Use textures of veneer, laminate, mirror, glass, leather and metal to give the extra touch to the kitchen’s look
  3. Complete the kitchen look with matte, gloss, smooth, lacquered, sprayed or painted finish.

Traditional Fitted Kitchen

  1. Both modern and traditional style kitchen designs are unique in the looks of it. Traditional has mostly a classic look whereas modern design is indeed contemporary and suitable for the present day.
  2. In a traditional design, the colours used are mostly warm tones and completely avoids bright and vibrant tones and colours. In modern kitchen hues of uncommon colours with white combined to it or even a monochromatic colour.
  3. While painting colours is a method used in a traditionally designed kitchen, a modern kitchen uses laminates of the colours in the theme.

  1. A traditionally designed kitchen will have louder lightings and classic style fittings whereas a modern styled kitchen will have a more stylish and sophisticated fitting and show lights used more.
  2. While windows are a major point in a traditional design, open or closed style with mostly a main door attached to the area.
  3. While tabletops and countertops have a minimalistic look in a modern style design, traditional design has more things kept on the tops which add richness to the look of the kitchen.
  4. Open cabinets hold a special place in the traditional kitchen while the modern kitchen has a completely closed cabinet. Thus in a traditional kitchen utility space and storage space is lesser than that of modern style kitchen.
  5. When knobs and heavy metal and designed door holders are what you see in a traditional kitchen, a modern kitchen has brass metal thin pullers used on the cabinets. Nowadays even a press and open style is used to open cabinets.
  6. While a traditional kitchen will have wooden floors or even matched tiles on the floor, modern style uses sheets of granite or vitrified tiles of one single colour.
  7. While cooking range is mostly attached to a traditional kitchen, modern kitchen have tabletop stoves, compact kitchen rage or even a platform-style cooking range.
  8. While dining tables mostly of wood material is used in a traditional design kitchen, table designs made of granite are used in modern kitchens.
  9. The modern style only has a rectangle and block-shaped cabinets, tabletops and cabinet shapes whereas is the traditional style one can see curves and different shapes.
  10. While all furnishings in a traditional kitchen are mostly artwork of hands, modern kitchen has furnishings which are machine-made.

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